The Research

Unlocking Resilience in Children Facing Adversity

The Global Schoolhouse Initiative

Children worldwide encounter challenges like hunger, violence, and poverty. Yet, some emerge as positive leaders and symbols of peace.
A key factor? Resilience



Resilience, as defined by Dr. Jack P. Shonkoff from the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard, is the ability to achieve positive outcomes despite adversity. It’s a capacity developed over time, influenced by both natural aptitude and the environment, as noted by Dr. Philip A. Fisher from the University of Oregon.

The Power of


Research indicates that with the right support, children from war-torn or impoverished backgrounds can develop the resilience needed to overcome significant obstacles. A pivotal study in the Journal of Pediatrics highlights that refugee children can achieve and even surpass the educational success of their peers with access to supportive resources.

Bridging Educational Gaps

with Technology

For many at-risk children, the barriers to education are significant, often due to economic constraints. Here, technology emerges as a vital tool, enabling access to education that builds resilience, even when traditional schooling isn’t an option.

What Does Effective Support Look Like?

Effective support for at-risk children encompasses:

● Fostering Supportive Adult-Child Relationships:
The Global Schoolhouse Initiative champions this by involving community volunteers as teachers,creating strong mentorship bonds.

Encouraging Self-Efficacy and Control:
Our curriculum empowers children to understand their role in the world, boosting self-efficacy and a sense of control.

Building Adaptive Skills and Self-Regulation:
We help children develop the skills to manage stress and focus on their educational goals.

● Celebrating Cultural Strengths and Hope:
Our program integrates students’ cultural backgrounds, promoting resilience through connection to their roots and global understanding.

The Global Schoolhouse Initiative's


At the Global Schoolhouse Initiative, we’re committed to transforming the lives of at-risk children through education that nurtures resilience. By engaging with the community, leveraging technology, and tailoring our curriculum to meet the emotional and educational needs of these children, we aim to pave the way for a future where every child can overcome adversity and contribute positively to the world.

Join us in our mission to empower the next generation of leaders, equipped with the resilience
and skills to create a more peaceful, sustainable future.

Get in Touch

By offering peace education and resilience training and helping them build the necessary mental and emotional skills, we can help children recover from trauma faster and assist in the development of peaceful world leaders for the future generation.
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